Please note our late start of 11am on 8th and 9th of January

Community Newsletters 2024

Are you living in Cork City Centre?

Cork City Centre residents are invited to attend a collaborative workshop and share their experiences with UCC Planning & Sustainable Development staff and students. We would like to hear about all aspects of living in the city centre, from the good things that work well to current issues and changes that could be made.
In having this discussion about the city centre as a place to live, we hope to identify ways forward for maintaining and enhancing successful aspects, as well as for things that can be improved, and feed this these into future planning  research for the city.
Your feedback will have a real impact on the future of the city. 
What’s involved? 
On Tuesday October 15th 7-8.30pm, at UCC Connolly Buildings, Lancaster Quay, we will host a workshop with short presentations followed by group discussions where we can learn from your invaluable experiences of living in the city centre.
Please spread the word on your resident's groups, neighbours and others who might be interested. 
Find out more:
Contact Jeanette Fitzsimons, Centre for Planning Education & Research, UCC
To register to attend email Jeanette at


Cork Celebrates Lifelong Learning Awards 2024!

To nominate your favourite learner or group today, visit: