Please note our late start of 11am on 8th and 9th of January

Seachtain na Gaeilge 2022

We were extremely busy last week for Seachtain na Gaeilge. Bhí a lán imeachtaí iontach againn! From the céilí to Sos as Gaeilge and the Tráth na gCeist to the Glaoch Guthán, we all thoroughly enjoyed the week. We had a big assembly on the last day where we watched performances from the Junior Infants to 3rd Class. We also loved the Seo Faisean that 4th class performed for us. Bhí gach rud ar fheabhas!

Why not try this Ramhlóg that we had so much fun with:

Bhí bean ag Joe,

Is bhí banjo ag Joe,

Bhí banjó ag bean Joe,

B’fhearr go deo Joe ar an mbanjó

Na bean Joe ar an mbanjó,

Go deo. X3