Please note our late start of 11am on 8th and 9th of January

Scoil an Athar Maitiu
Dear Parents, Guardians and Children,

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our school website. Togher Girls School is a very important and successful community in this area since 1850. Our students have a very strong sense of community as we encourage them to be active members and good citizens of their school. This is achieved through a mutual respect amongst staff, students and parents/guardians. We also encourage our girls to become involved in our Student Council, Green Schools, Active School Committee and the Amber Flag Team. Our school community reflects and engages in ‘skills for life’ together with a very successful and aspirational academic programme to suit the ability of each individual. We are all talented and Togher Girls explores a broad and diverse curriculum thus ensuring that each child reaches their potential having found their particular talents and acknowledging that which they find challenging.
As you visit our school website and explore the menu I have no doubt that you will have a greater understanding and appreciation of this very special beehive of learning and growth.
Our motto ‘an páiste croí-lár na scoile seo’ (the child is the heart of our school) colours each of our days together.

Le gach dea-ghuí,
Ms Eimear Long